Thousand Schools
school development plans
ratified by panchayats
A network of
community education resource
centers established
children benefitted
school development plans ratified by panchayats
A network of
community education resource
centers established
Programme Details
The Thousand Schools Programme was initiated by Tata Steel in January 2015, to revitalise school education in its areas of operation. The programme aims to create a model of Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) within the Right to Education (RTE) framework that is replicable and scalable.
The programme addresses three key aspects of schooling:
ACCESS - Ensuring that all children are in school, participating and moving towards completion of secondary school education
LEARNING - Eliminating learning deficit and ensuring all children learn at their age appropriate levels
GOVERNANCE - Strengthening School Management Committees (SMCs), Parent Teacher Associations (PTA), Youth groups, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Gram Panchayats (GP) to enable them to play their respective roles in improving school performance and ensuring the access of quality education to every child.
Target Beneficiaries
Children and youngsters mainly from the tribal communities.
In Odisha, the programme is operational in six blocks in three districts - Jajpur, Keonjhar and Sundargarh and in Jharkhand, the programme is operational in two blocks in West Singhbhum district.
  • Nearly 2,00,000 children (6-16 years) and 6000 pre-primary children directly benefitted
  • 6 entire blocks of Odisha have become Child Labour Free Zones (CLFZ), led by SMCs and panchayats
  • 99% out-of-school children of the 14,335 have been brought back to school
  • 564 SMCs prepared School Development Plans as stipulated under the RTE, 454 ratified by panchayats
  • A network of 32 Community Education Resource Centers (CERC) equipped with rich online and off-line resources established across 8 blocks to serve as a 'Window on the World' for the students
  • Leveraged learnings from the Thousand Schools Programme to roll out the Education Signature Programme across Keonjhar district and achieved visible progress in shorter time frames
Other Initiatives in Education and Holistic Development
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A New Education
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Ignite My Future
in School (IMFIS)
Jaguar Land Rover
China Dream Fund
Society for the
Physically Disabled (SPD)
Tata Consulting
Engineers Limited
School on Wheels
Project (SoW)
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Last updated on 16th September 2024